Sunday, December 31, 2006

Happy New Year to All

May 2007 bring you prosperity and good health. We at ForestPal will strive to provide you more services and products to aid in your respective field of endeavor.



Saturday, December 30, 2006

So what is ForestPal all about? was created to continue the free online resource center for land managers within the GIS/GPS community.

Our most popular download continue to be fGIS because it is a FREE and very robust GIS program. It allows the user to, among other things, manage and edit ESRI shapefiles. Further, it has built in transparency - something the very expensive ArcView 3.X series does not.

This service is run for and paid for by volunteers who feel that there should be an avenue for students, teachers, small landowners, and consultants to have access to the tools they need when finances are an issue.

We are always looking for if you have a product that you wish to showcase to our user base please submit your request to


Team ForestPal Relaunched

This overhaul took a lot longer that expected but now it is back up and running. Please report any bugs, dead links, or erroneous/dated information. This site is completely free and will remain that way...but your help in keeping things current is welcomed.

Feel free to post comments - good or bad - on this blog and someone will respond.
